Saturday, February 25, 2006

Brushfire Fairytales

I came out of my apartment tonight, late to meet a friend, and saw that there was a crowd of people huddled around a firetruck, and cops everywhere. Someone had lit a palm tree on fire. Y'know, because there's nothing else to do on a Friday night in LA. The firemen were out with hoses and flashing lights, it was bringing the neighbors together. This was all an entertaining scene for a minute or so, until I looked down and noticed that my car was parked three feet away from the burning tree. My first thought was something along the lines of being frustrated that they probably wouldn't move the firetruck for me to get my car out, and then somewhere along the way I realized there was a flaming tree three feet away from my car and I did become briefly curious as to what effect that would have on it.

In the end, there was no damage, at least none that I could see at night, but I had to wait for the firemen to put the tree out and for a bunch of cops to come check out my car and take a statement. At least they let me move it before they started spraying this foam stuff into the tree that they said tended to be "kinda not good on paint" (I can only imagine how good it is for the tree, but I suppose it's not good for the tree to reignite either). Never a dull moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And upon reading this, I was thinking how cool it was that you even had palmtrees. And then realized there was a tree on fire three feet from your car. :-)