Monday, July 03, 2006

Feelin' hot hot hot

Gah, did I mention it's hot here? It's at least 50% of any conversation. Anytime there's a pause, someone will interject a new story about what they're doing to cope. I have to sleep naked with no covers and a fan blowing at my face (probably overshare, sorry... at least it's a timely month not to have a roommate). I have actually started thinking that I shouldn't bother going to Ikea to replacing the missing furniture in my apartment until October, because I can hardly stand to be here, much less follow directions in Swedish and assemble things with little allen wrenches and crawl around looking for missing screws. For now, the AC cools a little 5x5 corner of the living room, where I have moved my chair and bed, and no more furniture will fit there anyway.

I was up until 2am reading The Kite Runner last night, unable to put it down until my eyelids insisted. I read all 400 pages in two days. I'm about to start Atonement, by Ian McEwan, which has the bonus feature of actually being an assigned book for Narrative Therapy class so I can smarmily feel like I'm doing something productive.

Anyway, I know this is a thrilling post... the real truth about life this week is that I'm just moody a lot, feeling useless after a month of having no schedule and minimal commitments... and if I try to write about anything other than the weather, it's going to come out all sad and wrong. So, I know things are going to get better as I get into the routine of practicum next week and until then.... did I mention it's hot here?? :):)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let me know if atonement is worth reading... After reading the Kite Runner, (it took me more than 2 days, but I was still up till 2 or so AM!)..

I read, This is My Story, Three Cups of Tea (by Greg Mortenson), and I'm open to more books written from or about that region. Any suggestions! The other books mentioned are just as spectacular.