Wednesday, February 27, 2008

File Under: I went to grad school for THIS!??!

Round about the time, oh, say, last June... when I was parading proudly across a stage to get my degree, and I was all proud of my massive achievement of conquering grad school, I wasn't spending too much time thinking about what the day-to-day life of a therapist would include. I mean, yeah, hey, I imagined it would have some rough moments, but I did not really think that it would include calling a client's home and being hung up on not once, but twice in a row, and then (because I am either really dedicated to passing along information about my clients' safety to their parents, or I am a dimwitted glutton for unsophisticated punishment) calling back again and hearing the person on the other end of the phone pick it up, belch at me, and hang it up again.

However, I am comforted by the fact that Natalie also finds herself wondering why she got a Master's degree to remind grown men they need to take showers and eat breakfast.

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