Thursday, August 28, 2008

I made it!

I made it through my birthday! Maybe I was just so prepared to cry that I held out through it, kind of like when you see a wave coming and take the time to plant your feet, but if you get blindsided, you're more likely to find yourself pushed under, slammed around, and having to spend a week getting the sand out of your nose.

I was extra-specially glad to see the work-week end this week... for a few reasons. First, I am vacating myself from LA and road-tripping up to Berkeley with Natalie this weekend, so the promise of vacation and old friends sort of heightens the drag factor of the working world. Second, it's just been an emotionally draining week on multiple, unrelated personal fronts, and was topped off by emotionally draining clients today, who cried and yelled and argued and made excuses and had to lay on the floor because they were so anxious and generally required me to do my job, of being a therapist who helps people sort through, contain, and express unpleasant emotions, when really I had just finally settled into my summer routine of staring at a computer doing paperwork and reserving all my emotional energy for myself.

So, needless to say, a little road trip up the 5 sounds delightful!

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