Monday, March 24, 2008

Another six weeks, please...

It's just about six weeks exactly from groundhog day, and winter appears to be very, very gone. It's still March and we hit 87 degrees yesterday. I actually had no idea it was really that hot, I thought for sure it was just in the 70s and I was a bigger pansy than usual as I was outside running around. Now I don't feel so crazy. Who knew the ice cream truck would be trolling the streets eight seconds after the start of spring?

Anyhoo, just thought I'd post a little update that despite the number of times I blog when I'm frustrated about work, life is good these days. Despite the whining (mine), I really like my job, really enjoy a lot of my clients, and feel like I'm settling in well. I don't earn very much money at this particular job, but I love my coworkers, I set my schedule, and I have three day weekends. And for this year, the sanity has been worth it. I have potlucks with my girlfriends on Tuesday nights, I play Ultimate, I have a social life again. I took up sewing again, I have a Netflix queue, I finally finished all three of the novels that I bought a year ago in anticipation of eventually having free time to read, and a few more. I work hard for my clients, and when I'm not at work, I graciously allow myself to think about non-dramatic, un-angsty, enjoyable topics. I go to church when I can, the singing part still makes me cry every time, but in a good way. I'm in love with a pretty amazing guy, and we have totally nerdy dates where we do the Times crossword puzzle together online before we go to bed. I have decent health insurance. I try to ride my bike a lot.

I might be whining again by tomorrow, but for today, I can't complain.


MQ said...

Y'know, that sounds good. I'm pleased to hear it! :)

By the way, we had snow this week...

Swiftyjess said...

I'll take 87 degrees over snow.
Did you know it snowed here last weekend?
Um, yeah.