Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I hate it when that happens.

So, last week, there's a guy in my apartment building who intrigues me. Tall, from Seattle, likes backpacking... I mean, I don't have a "list" when it comes down to it, but he had a few things that register on my radar. I hadn't run into him, though, and of course was too chicken to find an excuse to knock on their door. On Tuesday, I was walking home with Nate and Carrie, and Nate disappeared into the bookstore to see if a friend he wanted to introduce me to was there. Sans Nate, I mentioned this boy to Carrie, while lamenting that all the guys at Fuller are either married or dating small blond girls who wear cute shoes (did I come to BYU by mistake or something?). I turn around as Nate comes out, and lo and behold guess who he's trailing behind him? The apt. #6 hottie.

I, of course, manage to lose half my brain cells and eke out a conversation that includes the occasional two-syllable word. We're talking about hiking! His trip to Seattle last week! His cool shoes! We're connecting!

Then he mentions that his trip to Seattle was to help his fiancee move down to LA. Sigh. My brain returns, I finish out the conversation (without asking about his girlfriend's size and haircolor, to confirm my suspicions), and I observe Carrie over my shoulder, trying to stifle a giggle while offering me a sypmathy glance as she puts two and two together and realizes this is who I was talking about.

I figure, if nothing else, dating while getting my MFT should at least keep all my commitment/fear of rejection issues close to the surface as good fodder for my own therapy....

1 comment:

Swiftyjess said...

Sigh. It's only been a few days...Maybe there is a chance you'll run into a hiking-single-outdoorsy-church-going-etc. hottie next week?