Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fall Unflung

Despite much pleading, begging, and whining on my part, fall has still not arrived here in Southern California. Well, unless by "fall" you mean the season where the temperature stays the same but everybody gets allergies. We had one grey day and a slight drizzle, and now we're back up to 85 degrees. On the up-side, Becky D was here last weekend, taking a break from the snow in Colorado, and we got to spend a day at the beach. Blogger seems to be thwarting me from posting a picture today but Becky's got one up here (yes, I was wearing all my purchases from the day, no I did not think I looked cool like that).

Also, I'm taking suggestions for new hobbies. Something went awry with my back a month ago and while I nurse it back to health, Ultimate is out of the question (along with biking, hiking, running, or anything else that keeps me sane). The only requirements are that it cost no money, and not involve sitting, standing, picking things up, or bending over. Get your minds out of the gutter and let me know what I should do with my time.


Anonymous said...

That's a tough request. Blogging is free, reading is free (somewhat)...Hmmmmm

Becky said...

You should pick up the knitting needles again. Surely you're in the mood to knit a warm hat with all that fall weather. :)

JulieBee said...

Hey Josie... I started my flickr account thinking I would get sucked in but somehow the layout of it confused me just enough that I muddled through one post and never really had the time/energy to make it back. I have a couple hours this morning, maybe I'll see if I can put up a few new ones. Also, I think it makes me sad, a little, because I've hardly shot much this year and I don't like to think about that. I was just thinking yesterday about trying to do a "photo-a-day" project to make me take more pictures in the midst of grad school time suckage.