Thursday, February 22, 2007

Three things...

... that made the news closer to the top of the hour than anything having to do with anything important going on in the world:

-the judge crying at the hearing to determine the paternity of Anna Nicole's baby (which is now contested by no less than three men)

-Britney (by the way, did we mention she shaved her head?) back in rehab... again (3rd time this week...)


Yes, RAIN. Actually, verbatim, "cold drizzle," made the news tonight above any headlines about wars, politics, education, or nuclear armament. They had cameras on the streets of downtown LA interviewing people with umbrellas and a guy in a t-shirt (it's still February, remember?) who was shocked he may have needed a jacket today.

OK, enough of that. You all know how I love television news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes.Yes. The things we give importance to. I was watching some syndicated news program yesterday and the commentator stated that after watching the judge in the Anna Nicole Smith case, she longed for the days of Judge Ito in the OJ Simpson trial. I kind of had to agree after watching that performance