Monday, March 12, 2007

whine whine whine

This is a complainer post just to tell the world how tired I am today, because somehow I think that will make me feel better. I mean, there are these people doing some sort of long-term Try-Never-To-Complain-Again project, to make the world safe from whining, but I happen to think a little whining now and then, to get it out so you can move on, keeps the world turning 'round.

First, I remembered today as I was pulling up to work that construction began on our building today. That means our parking lot is full of construction vehicles, so we have to park a half-mile away at Macy's and take a shuttle. Then I had to make it through a break-less day including four hours of supervision, two hours of training, and a two-hour intake with jackhammers running 20 feet away, shaking the whole building and ensuring that everyone had to yell to be heard. Then I had to get back to my car and go tutor a 12-year-old who likes to pretend that I'm the meanest person in the world for suggesting that if he actually showed his work he might starting getting more than 34% on his math tests. Now I'm back at my apartment, where it is a balmy 85 degrees inside, and try to stay awake long enough to write two papers tonight which I really. don't. want. to. write.

It is finals week and I am already counting down the minutes until Friday. I'll re-appear then from a happier, more-well-rested place! In the meantime, here is my adorable goddaughter, who I got to hang with (along with her mother, my friend Jessica, whom I have known since we were big-banged, huge-glasses-wearing nerdy new kids in the 5th grade) for too little time in Seattle last weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice photo!
Good luck on finals!