Friday, August 31, 2007

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent... except yourself.

I just received an email from the institute that is dispersing DMH funds, stating that the stipends (which were supposed to begin being sent in June) are on hold until they have a hearing in October. I forwarded the email to Goat, with a snide comment about the inadequacy of the DMH and a prediction that I'd never see the money.

Only, I didn't send it to Goat. I accidentally hit "reply" and sent it back to the institute.

Anyone know of a good recipe for crow?


MQ said...

Isn't that everyone's worst nightmare! Ooops... Your prediction will at least be more likely to come true this way! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with mq, at least you won't be surprised when the money never shows up!
On a serious note, that sucks. I have no idea how to get of a pickle such as this one! Good luck!