Saturday, October 20, 2007

Stipendgate 2007 -- the irony continues

No, they haven't decided to give me the money after all. I've pretty much given up on ever seeing any of it, and while I still think it's a horrible thing, my rage is subsiding, which is at least helping me move on with life. However, I did find out a tidbit of info from one of my advisers at Fuller, who sits on the board that was administering the stipends. She said that the loss of the stipends actually may be a product of the fact that the DMH got a huge amount of money from the state this year, but all that money came along with a whole new set of restrictions surrounding how/where they spend their money, and it seems that perhaps this program was not on the list of acceptable options.

So, in an ironic nutshell, it seems that the DMH isn't giving out the stipends because they have so much more money this year.

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