Monday, December 12, 2005

living and dying in LA

... because really, dying is what I felt like I was doing last night. And most of today, too. After a pickup game yesterday, I found myself doubled over coughing on the side of the field for a few minutes before I could make it to my car. I made it home fine though, and thought it would calm down. But it wound up getting worse throughout the night, and this morning I felt like an elephant was sitting on my head. My whole body was aching from hacking the whole night through.

Anyway, I went in to urgent care today to see if I had pneumonia, and it turns out I've developed asthma. My body seems to be rejecting living in LA.


Anonymous said...

Asthma? It must be from all of that "clean" L.A. air!

Anonymous said...

dude, EXACT same thing from East Oakland. thought i was dying - bronchitis, pneumonia... nope. Ghetto air.

Becky said...

Oh no! I think what you need is a good dose of clean mountain air. Come on over!