Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Anybody know a good joke?

OK, so I am really tired of being overly serious these days. Last quarter was too intense. Where has my stupid side gone off to? It's time for a trip up to Berkeley, maybe another Ugly Night Out. Maybe I should just wear those plaid pants to class Thursday? Hanging out with a bunch of therapists-in-training isn't helping. Nor is having too much free time to become inert this quarter. So I am soliciting jokes, pictures, memories, inside humor, taped recordings of Natalie's laugh, sock-puppet home videos, stories of public humiliation (mine or yours), basically anything good for a belly-laugh....


Anonymous said...

"I've never seen aisles like this before".
I'm only admitting that I said this (in a cheerleaders uniform) to make you laugh.
But only this once.

Swiftyjess said...

Look how helpful I am...here is something else that should make you laugh.

Becky said...

I don't know if it will make you laugh, but here's a picture I enjoy re-living:

3 very white women + 1 Peruvian hostel owner + blaring 80's music + one black market = one of the most bizzare evenings I've ever spent.

Ahhh, those were the days. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I think you should come up to Berkeley. We would watch stupid movies and not think. And here's a joke:

There are two muffins in the oven. One muffin turns to the other and says, "Hey, is it just me or is it getting hot in here?" The other muffin turns and says, "HOLY SHIT! A TALKING MUFFIN!"

Bronwyn said...

What did the fish say when he swam into a concrete wall??

Anonymous said...

thanks bronwyn... but it's time for you to ask your third graders for new jokes (and I don't mean the one about the stapled monkeys falling out of trees). You texted this one to me not so long ago :):)

Bronwyn said...

They've gotten some fairly good jokes off laffy taffy, I just can't remember the good jokes. I only remember the really bad ones!

Anonymous said...

Just watch it....