Friday, June 15, 2007

Done... "ish"

Well, I have survived, and graduated, and celebrated, and all that jazz! I'll post pics this weekend. Graduation itself was on the long, boring side (it took an hour and 45 minutes to read all the names during the ceremony) but we survived. I only cried a couple of times (so far), not from being sad, just from the emotional upheaval of going that hard/fast/strong for so long and then being done. Actually, I'm kind of weaning myself a bit... I finish off with my clients and mountains of charts in the next two weeks, but at least there's no class or papers to deal with, so when I leave the office, my time is my own. Strangely, yesterday I was at work for 11 hours but when I was driving home, I felt like I was getting off early (don't feel sad for me or anything, I was only working for about 6-7 of those hours, the rest was wandering around the office in between appointments trying to figure out what needed to be done and hanging out with the other interns). The funny thing is, after having my parents staying here for a week, and all the busyness of graduation and guests and being with people every waking moment for the past 3 weeks, all I could think about during the day was going home, by myself, and staring at the ceiling for a few hours. Then, of course, driving home, I got this weird, unsettled, lonely feeling at knowing I was going to be all by myself with nothing to do for a few hours.

Don't worry, I got over it. But it was strange while it lasted.

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